Monday, March 19, 2012

And Kellan Is His Name, Oh!

Here is a random assortment of Kellan photos I'd like to share with you.  They were taken over the last couple of months.

Remember View-Masters?  They came with cardboard disks with 3-D images you could view and alternate between by pulling down a lever on the side of it.  Mommy found one in a box of older items, and Kellan was fascinated by it.

One of Kellan's many mischievous looks.

Finley and Thatcher came over for a visit one evening and played "fire emergency" with Kellan, Daddy, and Aunt Justyn.  "Fire emergency" is a game that consists of one person being the fireman and the others playing people in need of help from the fireman.  Usually Sesame Street figurines are used to represent the people and Kellan's firetruck (specifically, the ladder) is used to help rescue the people from the couch cushions... it's an exhilarating and fast-paced game.  You'll just have to take my word for it. 

One of Kellan's favorite things to do is have Daddy spin him around in our desk chair.  Kellan wanted Finley to experience the thrill, too, so they both took a twirl in the chair together.  The smiles were endless.  Well, until the chair stopped spinning, I mean.

I really like this photo, even though it's horribly out of focus.  Can't you just imagine their laughter as the chair whirled around?

Kellan helped Mommy make a batch of mini oatmeal muffins one day.  He poured most of the ingredients into the bowl by himself and even greased the muffin tin.  I think he feels especially important wearing his very own apron (a fabulous gift from "aunt" Jennifer, made by Jenn's sister, Janelle - you can see more of her stuff here).  It's hard to make out, but at the top of the apron is Kellan's name embroidered in green.  Too cute!

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