Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Kellan (He's What It's All About)

Kellan's been developing so quickly lately, we can hardly keep up.  He's running, follows instructions really well, and has an incredible memory for his age.  He speaks several words now (words in bold are current faves): row, no, please, more, up, down, bye, banana ("nana"), dog/woof, meow (won't say kitty or cat yet), ball, duck, uh-oh, yeah, bunny, moon, hi, baby, balloon, wow/whoa, apple, water, milk, and of course Mommy and Daddy.  He also understands many, many other words, but doesn't say them.

In addition to all those good things, Kellan's teething his molars.  Some days are better than others, obviously.  There are days he seems ravenous and constantly wants to eat, and then those where he will barely eat 2 cups worth of food all day.  He's also been waking up in the early peeps of the morning and not going back to sleep, which hasn't been all that helpful to Mommy and Daddy's sleep patterns.  But, we've heard this is par for the course around the 18 month mark.

Here are a few pictures of our quickly growing boy:
That's string cheese in his mouth, not teeth

He loves books.  This one ("Spot Visits his Grandparents") is a story we borrowed from the Library in preparation for his trip to see, who else, his Grandparents in Bellingham while Mommy and Daddy took a trip to Las Vegas.

In case you didn't know, Kellan is a very happy guy.  We get comments from strangers nearly every time we're out with him saying "what a happy boy!"  We totally love it.

Recently, we had dinner with our friends, Steve and Michelle Kleyn, at their home in Issaquah (thanks again, guys!).  Upstairs, they had a room where Kellan found drumsticks.  Trying to get them away from him was a practice in futility.

He thinks these headphones are really fun to put on his head

We can add golf to his roster of sports - here he is practicing his putting.

Mommy has to gush - he's got such a great face!  It's fun to capture different countenances he has.
One of his signature over-the-shoulder looks

You probably can't tell, but this picture shows his most recent haircut

He's still got his blue eyes!  For some reason, this picture sort of reminds Mommy of Ralphie from "A Christmas Story".

And speaking of Christmas, only 31 days until then!  Yippee!


  1. If you had an argyle sweater-vest, wouldn't you be a happy boy, as well? I mean, if you were a boy to start with.
