Sunday, October 31, 2010

Charlie Brown

Happy Halloween!
This year we dressed Kellan up as Charlie Brown.  It took some searching, but Mommy eventually found a Snoopy doll to complete the look; however, Kellan wasn't too keen on the idea...

Every time Mommy put Snoopy in Kellan's hand, he would drop it and give her the above (obviously annoyed) look

Mommy thought tying Snoopy around Kellan's waist might make things easier... but it really only created a poor distraction and more frustration

Then Mommy realized that putting Snoopy on a "leash" might make him more appealing to Kellan.
And clearly, it helped.

But in the end, it made it look like Charlie Brown was trying to lynch Snoopy, so we bagged the whole thing and tried the football idea.

It was a paltry substitute for Snoopy, but at least we know Kellan will hold on to a football for longer than a couple of seconds.

Now, if only Mommy had dressed up like Lucy Van Pelt... (why do we always think of the good ideas a little too late?)

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