Tuesday, January 26, 2010

More Peas, Please

Perhaps you are aware of Kellan's apparent disinterest in all things new to him?  For example, when we put him in a pool for the first time, he just sort of sat in the water, completely indifferent to the novelty of being there.  Then, there was the first time we put him in a swing (see a couple posts ago about Richmond Beach Park) - again he just went into his own world, almost unaware that anything new was occuring for him.  It's not that he hates new things; he's usually not upset by trying them.  It's more that he doesn't really engage himself in the moment.
Well, starting Kellan on solids produced somewhat of a similar reaction... until we tried PEAS.  During the first few bites, Kellan exhibited his usual apathy to the experience, but then something magical happened - he anticipated a bite and opened his mouth before I had to ask him to "say ahh".  It wasn't that he was smiling or bouncing or expressing glee, but the fact that he actually became interested in being fed food was wonderful!  And I'm guessing it's a good sign that he likes peas.

(I know in this picture it looks like he doesn't like it, but he still opened his mouth for the next bite)

About as animated as we've seen him about solid food (ha!)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Toys, Toys, Toys!

Kellan is loving his toys these days.  Now that he can sit up on his own, he really enjoys reaching out to grab different toys and putting them in his mouth (of course!).

He also still loves playing in his Jumperoo.  He'll jump for a full minute or more, laughing and seeming so excited about the movement... then in mere seconds, be ready for more!

Monday, January 18, 2010

A Walk in the Park

It was a BEAUTIFUL day today, so Daddy, Mommy, and Kellan decided to go to a park for a walk.  We decided on Richmond Beach Park, because it's close to the water and they had swings (which we wanted Kellan to try for the first time).

Fun with Daddy

Kellan just LOVES his daddy - he's so fun!  Even when it's just a change of clothes, Daddy makes it enjoyable.

Monday, January 11, 2010

First Solid Food... Sort Of

Kellan, in usual fashion, somehow contracted a virus and was sick this weekend, thwarting our intent on feeding him his first solid food (which was going to be rice cereal).  However, while at Finley's family birthday party on Saturday, there were avocados (another food we had intended on trying with Kellan).  So, we borrowed a small spoon and dish, mashed up a bit of avocado, and gave him some.

Jared did not take pictures of the event; however, Grandma Jean did, so we'll need to get pictures from her to post here.  And until I get them, you'll just have to wait to hear the outcome. (insert small, evil grin)

Oh, but here's a picture of an avocado.  Just for fun.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Big News

So, we don't have any photos for proof, but a couple of things have happened with Kellan in the past few days.

1. He rolled over for the first time!  From his back to his front.  Did it on his 7 month birthday - we were so excited.

2. He is sitting up on his own!  Well, mostly.  The boppy we have helps keep him steady, but he is reaching for things and pulling himself back upright, so it appears his core is in good shape.

3. He rolled over the OTHER way for the first time just today!  From front to back.  So, now we've got to prepare for all the moving he'll start doing across the floors... next thing you know, he'll be walking (Jared's already been working on it for quite some time). :-)

We're going to introduce him to solid foods for the first time this weekend, so look for a new post with pictures of that particular "adventure" soon!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Kellan: Selected Photos

There are a number of Kellan photos that make us smile, just by looking at them (sometimes just thinking of them) - here are a few:

Creative use of the "1/3" rule of photography

Cool... Joe Cool...

He was just a couple of weeks old, but looked like he was a miniaturized 90 year old curmudgeon

Emphasizing his gargantuan head (which we love)

Not all his faces are "cute"

Kellan really hated tummy time; he would just give up after a few seconds and bury his face in the floor (including the pacifier, if he had one in)

The tongue sticking out - a fan favorite

This was one of the first times he sat in his Bumbo seat - he seemed so cautious and wary!

This was during the heat wave we had in July. Mommy camped out in Kellan's room and just left him in his diaper; as you can see, this was how he tried to stay cool.

Check out that good looking baby in the mirror!!

He was SO cute in his dinosaur/lizard costume at Halloween.